Get a Fresh Start with our New Year Garden Checklist

It’s a new year, and you’re probably already getting excited about your next garden! Now’s the time to start planning your grow to get a head start on the season. It’s important to think about what goals you want to reach, what supplies you need, and what work needs to happen before you get started with your yearly gardening. We’ve come up with a handy list to help you through the start of the year.
Here are the top things to put on your checklist for January:
✔ Set Goals
The first thing you want to do is set aside time to plan your garden goals, including what types of plants you want to grow, how you want to expand your space, and maybe even how you want to map out your beds. This step is vital for ensuring that you get your garden growing successfully without running into problems. Ask yourself what you really want from your green space this year and what it will take to make that happen.
✔ Take Stock
Be sure to check over your supplies, from tools to seeds, and everything in between. Does anything need a good repair or polish? What can you reuse, and what do you need to buy fresh?
✔ Plan Purchases
A budget is always helpful, especially when your hobby is as versatile and complex as gardening. To keep your partner and your wallet happy, plan what to buy and decide what you can live without. Consider the garden you want to have this year, evaluate your current stock, and figure out your upcoming orders of seeds, plant starts, new tools, fresh fertilizer, and other supplies!
✔ Clean Beds
Now it’s time to get to your chores, the real prep work for getting back into gardening! Clean your beds and pots of the debris and weeds that piled up during winter to ensure you have a clean slate to work with when the time comes. Any other garden chores pending? Make a list if need be. Those fences won’t repair themselves, and no one wants to face garden chores when it’s time to get plants in the ground.
✔ Prune Plants
Got perennials? It’s essential to prune them every year. The best time to do this is before they start to put off new buds, which keeps the plant healthy and doesn’t waste your hard work! Be sure to prune your perennials before the weather warms up and spring is in full swing.
✔ Start Seeds
Starting seeds may be your favorite thing to do after the first of the year! Some spring seeds can be sowed indoors as early as January to get a head start on their growth somewhere safe from the cold. Spring plants like broccoli, lettuce, and spinach are all excellent choices for an early planting and harvest.
Get Growing
It’s vital to take this time of year to prep for the coming growing season, and we hope this checklist helps you determine what needs to be done around your grow. Get an early start on your planning and maintenance, and you’ll be sure to reap the benefits later!
Check off more things on your list with GardenTap! Our sales are always updating, and we have a blog full of tips, tricks, and how-to articles!