Pest Management Supplies

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Quart spray bottle of SNS DC disease control
SNS DC Disease and Fungal Control RTU
Pint bottle of SNS 209 pest control
SNS PC Organic Pesticide RTU
Sticky Traps package of 12 cards, non toxic houseplant pesticide
Summit® Sticky Traps for Houseplants

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Pest Management

How do I know if I have insect pests in the garden?
It’s often easy to tell that you have an insect pest infestation in your garden. Evidence such as damage to plant tissues, weakened plant stems, and slowed plant growth are just the start. Sometimes, garden pests can completely defoliate plants! If you’d like to check your plants for pests, look in telltale areas for signs of critters–on the underside of leaves is the most common place to find pests like spider mites, thrips, and more!
What kinds of bugs affect houseplants?
House plants are affected by insect pests as badly, and often worse, than outdoor gardens are! Whiteflies, spider mites, thrips, and fungus gnats are just a few of the pests that can hitch a ride into your home and camp out on your precious houseplants. Plant parents beware!
How do I get rid of Aphids?
Aphids are some of the worst vampires of the garden, punching holes in your precious vegetable crops and sucking plant juices from the stems, effectively draining and killing your plants! While you can always buy yourself some beneficial insects like ladybugs to eat up green peach aphids, cotton aphids, and cabbage aphids, Sierra Natural Science and Ecoworks EC pesticides are another viable option for clearing your grow of these insect pests.
How do I get rid of Caterpillars?
Caterpillars are the larval stage of butterflies and moths, and as hungry growing youngsters, they can make a mess of your plants! Common garden pest caterpillars include tomato hornworms, squash vine borers, and cabbage loopers. The best method for controlling infestations of these baby buggers is to pick them off one by one–or treat your plant with Ecoworks EC! Ecoworks employs the natural protection of neem oil to dry, starve, and kill off unwanted pests.
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